You Are Powerful


You are powerful. Within every cell of your being there is energy and vibrations which resound powerful frequencies into being, of which you are made. There is nothing you cannot be, nothing you cannot do and nothing you cannot have if you choose...

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The Time For Healing Is Now

Was there ever a time where healing wasn't needed? No, but if there was a time that it was truly required, that is now.

You can't heal something that you're avoiding or ignoring. It must be faced head on. Open your eyes. Open your hearts. Enough ...

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Create A Life You Love

Whose life are you living? And are you loving your life? We all have an opportunity to create and design a life we love. A life that is filled with joy, happiness, fulfilment and a life that is aligned with our authentic selves.

Too often though ...

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Start Before You're Ready

Today is all you have, don’t wait for tomorrow to start.

If you’re working on something meaningful and important to you, then you’ll never feel ready. You will most likely at times feel uncertain, inadequate, and not prepared.

Being ready is an ...

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You Are Enough

You are enough. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise! When you go out there, be your authentic self and do so with confidence. Make no apology for your differences, instead celebrate them as your unique qualities.

There is always an opportunity t...

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Today Is Your Day

There is no time like the present. In fact, now is all you really have. In every moment you have an opportunity to do something great, to do something kind, to be a shining example to others. 

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself:

How d...

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You Can Change The World

The world is going through so much change right now and it’s hard to witness what we are doing to mother earth and by extension her inhabitants. You can see all the negativity splashed all across the media and sometimes it’s easy to feel defeated,...

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Live Your Dream

We all have dreams and desires in life - whether related to our work, family, health or other aspects of life. To bring these dreams and desires to life you need to acknowledge them, appreciate them and take action on making them a

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Your Healing Starts With You

We are all perfect at our purest essence. 

Through life’s ups and downs and experiences we sometimes lose touch with this essence and lose connection with ourselves. However, when we remember that we are whole, and that harmony is

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I AM love and I am loved. Love runs through every part of my being and I feel loved by me and by others. My heart is open and ready to receive love. I am deserving of love. 

I AM light. Light surrounds me, lifts me, shines through me and is of me...

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