Travelling Towards Purpose

conversation Dec 04, 2019

In this Soulfull Sound Conversation I am joined by the wonderful Stephen R. Marriott who is a bestselling amazon author, speaker and vagabond. His two books Candyfloss Guitar and Santiago’s Guitar are part of the Reluctant Pilgrim Series where he writes about self-discovery and hope - a journey both physical and spiritual, guided at times by the unlikeliest of angels! 

Stephen transitioned from his background as an Investment Analyst to living life on his own terms. Through his work, he inspires others to walk their path with passion and purpose.

In this episode Stephen talks about his life changing 31-day walking along El Camino de Santiago in Spain, which leads to self-discovery, igniting his purpose and later taking action on realising it through his writing and speaking ventures. His story is inspiring, especially for those wanting to make a transition from a corporate job, or job you don’t love, into building a life filled with passion and fulfilment.



Points of Discussion:

  • Stephen's story – from investments to more creative pursuits (2:30)
  • The birth of his books (29:40)
  • How much he values writing in his self-development? (46:50)
  • His favourite books/authors (54:15)
  • His favourite sound? (57:31)





About Stephen R. Marriott

Stephen R. Marriott is a bestselling independent author and traveller. He grew up in Portishead in the West Country of England. Although just a small-town boy at heart he has worked in stockbroking in the City of London and has visited 50+ countries. His writing career began in 2012 when seeking adventure, he took a very long walk across Spain and subsequently discovered his creative spirit.

"One day I left the office and went for a very long walk. After that everything changed for me.”

That long walk, or rather pilgrimage, is known as the Camino de Santiago – a 500-mile tramp across northern Spain. A common greeting on the Camino is "Buen Camino,” which literally means good path but its significance is much deeper. It is an acknowledgement that a person is seeking their best life – their true reason for being. This unique hike, and the people Stephen met on the way, changed his outlook of the world and inspired him to write a novella – Candyfloss Guitar, book 1 in the Reluctant Pilgrim series.



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