9 Actions Towards Doing What You Love
Dec 11, 2019Welcome to a new episode of Soulfull Sound Coaching! Each month, l’ll be answering your questions about anything related to healing and transformation, connecting with yourself, discovering your gifts and practical strategies on sharing your gifts with the world, or... any burning question you have and sense that I'm the right person to answer it!
This month’s question comes from James.
I'm so tired of being unfulfilled in my current job and working for someone else. I would like to move into work I love by building my own business, where do I even start?
This episode is all about making the changes that get you closer to doing what you love. Too many people are in work they don’t love – let’s face work they hate, that drains them, they can’t wait to leave! If this is you or maybe work is ok, but you want to love it, put these actions in place and see how things can shift for you.
Here’s a snapshot of the first 5 actions:
Okay so you are most likely frustrated and know that you just want to get out! However, this isn’t enough to make a successful change. You might be clear on what you want to get away from, and it is super important that you know what you want to go towards. Be as clear and specific as you can be so that you have a ‘bull’s eye’ target to aim for. The clearer you are the easier it will be to achieve it. However, if you don’t know what you want yet, that’s ok, take the time to figure it out because you need to know to put a strong foot forward. The good news is that you really can’t get it wrong, because sometimes figuring out what you want means trying new things. Just know that there are options and you don’t have to settle for less because you can have more. And also know that clarity is a practice of questioning, so continue to ask yourself questions (click link for free resource to help you) that guide you closer to your answers.
Action #2: Find out what has stopped you so far and do something different.
What has stopped you from making this change before now? In order to move forward you need to remove the obstacles that have got or that can get in your way. Is it and internal obstacle like fear, self-doubt or mindset? Is it an external obstacle like lack of skill or not having your finances in order? Most likely a combination of both. Make a list of all your ‘obstacles’ in one column and then in the opposite side, write down what you’d like to feel or have instead, or the solutions or ways to get rid of them. You don’t have to have all the answers, but by doing this exercise you begin to open yourself up to the possibilities of overcoming the obstacles that come up for you.
Action #3: Start setting goals for the short, mid and long term.
Let’s say that you know now what you want to do as your life’s work (or certainly the next stage of your life) and it might seem far away from where you are now. So, it is important to see smaller steps that will eventually lead you to your goal. Start with the big one and work backwards in time so that what you do today counts towards the ultimate goal. E.g. – 1 year – 6 months – 1 month – Today. This way your actions are aligned with what you really want, and you avoid spending time on things that don’t get you where you want to be!
Action #4: Create a plan of action to support your goals.
Put a plan of action in place, which is aligned with your goals and commit to doing them. This is only way to reap results. Your plan must include deadlines so that you hold yourself accountable to your goals.
Action #5: Make space and time in your life now to take action.
It is really important to make the time in your current situation to follow through on your actions. If you are too busy doing what you don’t want, you will not have space to do what you really want, so making the time is a priority. This may mean one less social event or doing less overtime. Either way if you want to make room for the new, you need space to act in order to let go of the old. Ask yourself these two questions, what am I willing to sacrifice? And what am I not willing to sacrifice? This will help you to get clear on where you can carve out space in your life.
Here’s a summary of all 9 actions:
- Action #1: Know what it is you want to do.
- Action #2: Find out what has stopped you so far and do something different.
- Action #3: Start setting goals for the short, mid and long term.
- Action #4: Create a plan of action to support your goals.
- Action #5: Make space and time in your life now to take action.
- Action #6: Make sure you create the energy and motivation to follow through.
- Action #7: Be consistent with your action.
- Action #8: Get support on your journey towards success
- Action #9: Celebrate your achievements along the way
Make sure to listen to entire episode to get the full scoop!
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